Electricity production and capacity by source in Germany

  • There was a huge solar growth from 2009-2012.

  • Recall at the same time Germany’s stagnant (even slightly increasing) CO2 emmission.

  • One reason is that at from 2009-2012 also electricty produced from coal has increased, while nuclear has phased out. At the same time also production from gas plants (which have less CO2 emmission than coal) has gone down. One reason for the revival of coal were the very low prices for CO2 emmission certificates.

  • In more recent years, starting from 2012, capacities and produced energy from wind have increased again more strongly compared to photovoltaics.

  • While from 2014-2016 produced nuclear energy has gone down again, also coal usage has slightly decreased, while gas and renewables compensated for the reduction.

Data Source: BMWI Energiedaten 2018

Published on 11 Mar 2015